The underwater robots ready to take on society’s challenges SMaRC (Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre), an initiative that numbers KTH among its many collaborators, unveils the[…]
2023-02-21: Introduction to the Ran Baltic Cruise on RV Skagerak! Hi! My name is Li Ling and I’m a SMaRC doctoral student working with underwater[…]
Breakthrough on LoLo research: “We are now able to monitor and talk to LoLo while she is underwater” Interview with Aldo Teran Espinoza In late[…]
Interaction and development – keywords at the SMaRC Dialogue Days The SMaRC Dialogue Days are an opportunity for the SMaRC industry partners to learn about and[…]
Invitation to PhD Defense, Özer Özkahraman Title: Multi-Agent Mission Planning and Execution for Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Time: February 2nd 2023, 13:00 Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen[…]
Invitation to PhD Defense, Ignacio Torroba Balmori Date: Thursday December 15th at 14:00 Place: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 6, Stockholm, Sweden. Link to join remotely: Title of the[…]
SMaRC in research collaboration with Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Moss Landing, California is a non-profit research institute founded[…]
Underwater robots measure the gas release’s effect on the marine environment Anna Wåhlin about the role of the AUV at the Nord Stream leak. Read[…]
National research and innovation agenda for underwater technology You can now find the national research and innovation agenda for underwater technology, NRIA-U, on the SMaRC[…]
Watch SSF reportage about SMaRC: Swedish robot submarines learn to make their own decisions Watch the movie about: They can sniff and detect dangerous emissions, collect[…]